d3 - svg path标签:超级重要
访问量: 1254
svg 可以画的有: Circle, Line, Polygon, Path ... 指定起始位置就好(通过数字)
D3 GEO SVG (进阶)
d3 geo svg 则是通过 地理坐标来指定,可以画的有:
支持的类型: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon
1. 手动创建geojson: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/49114/d3-geo-path-to-draw-a-path-from-gis-coordinates (我可以帮他补充答案)
2. 创建geojson小部分格式的对象,然后传递进去(满足要求了) :http://bl.ocks.org/erikhazzard/6201948
links = []; for(var i=0, len=data.length-1; i < len; i++){ // (note: loop until length - 1 since we're getting the next // item with i+1) links.push({ type: "LineString", coordinates: [ [ data[i].lon, data[i].lat ], [ data[i+1].lon, data[i+1].lat ] ] }); } // Standard enter / update var pathArcs = arcGroup.selectAll(".arc") .data(links);
3. 不考虑geojson 的格式,直接使用程序中的变量, 参考:https://observablehq.com/@d3/testing-projection-visibility?collection=@d3/d3-geo
3.1 定义好一个数组(本质上跟2是一样的)
points = Array(2980) [ 0: Array(2) [ 0: -158.617996216 1: 59.2826004028 ] 1: Array(2) [160.054992675781, -9.42800045013428] 2: Array(2) [157.263000488281, -8.32796955108643] 3: Array(2) [-113.305864334, 31.351621252] 4: Array(2) [166.919006, -0.547458] 然后,在下面代码中使用: path({type: "MultiPoint", coordinates: points});
下面是一个例子: 读取CSV(中国机场),显示在中国地图上:
84 d3.json(map_geo_json).then((geojson) => { 85 svg.append("path") 86 .attr("d", path(geojson)) 87 .attr('fill', 'white') 88 .attr("stroke", "red") 89 .attr("stroke-width", 1) 90 }).then( () => { 91 92 // read and print all the airports 93 let airports = [] 94 d3.csv('static/china_airports.csv').then( (csv_line) => { 95 96 let airports = csv_line.map(function(x){ 97 return [x.longitude, x.latitude] 98 }) 99 100 let final_geo_points = { type: "MultiPoint", coordinates: airports} 101 102 svg.append("path") 103 .attr("d", path(final_geo_points)) 104 .attr('fill', 'transparent') 105 .attr("stroke", "blue") 106 .attr("stroke-width", 1) 107 }) 108 })
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