security - blockchain - solidity 漏洞3:意外的ether (unexpected ether)

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错误的使用了this.balance, 与 selfdestruct()函数



contract EtherGame {
    uint public payoutMileStone1 = 3 ether;
    uint public mileStone1Reward = 2 ether;
    uint public payoutMileStone2 = 5 ether;
    uint public mileStone2Reward = 3 ether; 
    uint public finalMileStone = 10 ether; 
    uint public finalReward = 5 ether; 
    mapping(address => uint) redeemableEther;
    // users pay 0.5 ether. At specific milestones, credit their accounts
    function play() public payable {
        require(msg.value == 0.5 ether); // each play is 0.5 ether
        uint currentBalance = this.balance + msg.value;
        // ensure no players after the game as finished
        require(currentBalance <= finalMileStone);
        // if at a milestone credit the players account
        if (currentBalance == payoutMileStone1) {
            redeemableEther[msg.sender] += mileStone1Reward;
        else if (currentBalance == payoutMileStone2) {
            redeemableEther[msg.sender] += mileStone2Reward;
        else if (currentBalance == finalMileStone ) {
            redeemableEther[msg.sender] += finalReward;
    function claimReward() public {
        // ensure the game is complete
        require(this.balance == finalMileStone);
        // ensure there is a reward to give
        require(redeemableEther[msg.sender] > 0); 
        redeemableEther[msg.sender] = 0;


contract EtherGame {
    uint public payoutMileStone1 = 3 ether;
    uint public mileStone1Reward = 2 ether;
    uint public payoutMileStone2 = 5 ether;
    uint public mileStone2Reward = 3 ether; 
    uint public finalMileStone = 10 ether; 
    uint public finalReward = 5 ether; 
    uint public depositedWei;
    mapping (address => uint) redeemableEther;
    function play() public payable {
        require(msg.value == 0.5 ether);
        uint currentBalance = depositedWei + msg.value;
        // ensure no players after the game as finished
        require(currentBalance <= finalMileStone);
        if (currentBalance == payoutMileStone1) {
            redeemableEther[msg.sender] += mileStone1Reward;
        else if (currentBalance == payoutMileStone2) {
            redeemableEther[msg.sender] += mileStone2Reward;
        else if (currentBalance == finalMileStone ) {
            redeemableEther[msg.sender] += finalReward;
        depositedWei += msg.value;
    function claimReward() public {
        // ensure the game is complete
        require(depositedWei == finalMileStone);
        // ensure there is a reward to give
        require(redeemableEther[msg.sender] > 0); 
        redeemableEther[msg.sender] = 0;

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